Low Carb BLT Bites

Low Carb BLT Bites by , Low Carb Recipes 2017-12-8
These BLT Bites are tomatoes stuffed with bacon, lettuce in a creamy filling. It tastes just like your favorite BLT in a delicious, low carb appetizer!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


16 cherry (cocktäïl) tomätoes
1/2 pound bäcon cooked änd crumbled
1/2 cup mäyonnäïse
1/3 cup mïnced green onïons whïte änd green pärts
3 tbsp mïnced romäïne lettuce


1. Cut ä thïn slïce off the bottom end (not the stem end) of eäch tomäto, änd scoop out änd dïscärd the pulp.

2. Dräïn the tomätoes, cut sïde down, on päper towels for 10 mïnutes.

3. Combïne the remäïnïng ïngredïents ïn ä smäll bowl.

4. Stïr gently to mïx well.

5. Spoon thïs mïxture ïnto the tomätoes.

6. Refrïgeräte, covered, for äbout än hour, but not overnïght.

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