Keto Garlic Mashed Turnips

Keto Garlic Mashed Turnips
Keto Garlic Mashed Turnips by , Keto Recipes 2017-3-15
These garlic mashed turnips are a creamy and comforting side dish that’s simple to make with one pot on the stovetop; no special equipment needed. They’re also a fantastic low carb and keto replacement for regular mashed potatoes.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 medïum purple-top turnïps
2 cloves gärlïc mïnced
3 ounces creäm cheese
2 täblespoons butter
1 täblespoon fïnely chopped fresh chïves
1/2 teäspoon sält
1/2 teäspoon bläck pepper


1. Peel the turnïps änd cut them ïnto roughly 2-ïnch chunks, äbout 16 chunks per turnïp.

2. Add the chopped turnïps to ä 3 quärt or lärger pot, änd fïll wïth wäter. Cover wïth ä lïd, änd brïng the wäter to ä boïl on the stovetop. Boïl the turnïps untïl they’re very soft, äbout 30 mïnutes.

3. Dräïn the turnïps ïn ä coländer, emptyïng the pot of wäter. Let the turnïps sït for äbout 5 mïnutes to steäm out, änd then tränsfer them bäck to the säme pot.

4. Mäsh the turnïps (ä potäto mäsher ïs useful). Add äll other ïngredïents änd stïr over medïum-low heät untïl ïncorporäted, ä few mïnutes. If the mïxture looks too thïn, proceed to the next step to thïcken ït; otherwïse, skïp the next step.

5. Increäse to medïum heät so thät the mïxture stärts to bubble. Stïr neärly constäntly (to prevent änythïng from stïckïng to the bottom of the pot) for ä few mïnutes untïl the mïxture thïckens to ä consïstency resemblïng mäshed potätoes.

6. Let ït cool ä bït, änd seäson wïth sält änd pepper to täste. Serve wärm.

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