A moïst cârrot câke fïlled wïth crushed pïneâpple, chopped wâlnuts, ând topped wïth ân eâsy creâm cheese frostïng. Thïs Pïneâpple Cârrot Câke ïs perfect for Eâster or cârrot câke lovers!

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Servings: 15 Servings


For the cârrot câke:
2 cups (250 grâms) âll-purpose flour (spooned & leveled)
2 teâspoons bâkïng powder
1 teâspoon bâkïng sodâ
1 ând 1/2 teâspoons ground cïnnâmon
1/2 teâspoon ground gïnger
1/4 teâspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
3/4 cup (180ml) cânolâ or vegetâble oïl
4 lârge eggs room temperâture
1 ând 1/2 cups (300 grâms) lïght brown sugâr
1/2 (100 grâms) cup grânulâted sugâr
1 (8-ounce) cân crushed pïneâpple, drâïned
1 teâspoon pure vânïllâ extrâct
3 cups (300 grâms) grâted cârrots, lïghtly pâcked
3/4 cup (90 grâms) chopped wâlnuts
Optïonâl: 1/2 cup (75 grâms) râïsïns
For the creâm cheese frostïng:
1 (8-ounce) pâckâge brïck style creâm cheese, softened to room temperâture
1/2 cup (115 grâms) unsâlted butter, softened to room temperâture
2 cups (240 grâms) powdered sugâr
1 teâspoon pure vânïllâ extrâct


1. To mâke the cârrot câke:

2. Preheât oven to 350°F. Sprây â 9x13 bâkïng pân wïth non-stïck cookïng sprây ând set âsïde.

3. In â lârge mïxïng bowl, whïsk together the flour, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, cïnnâmon, gïnger, nutmeg, ând sâlt untïl well combïned. Set âsïde.

4. In â sepârâte lârge mïxïng bowl, whïsk together the oïl, eggs, brown sugâr, grânulâted sugâr, crushed pïneâpple, ând vânïllâ extrâct untïl fully combïned. Add the grâted cârrots ând chopped wâlnuts to the wet ïngredïents ând stïr untïl well combïned.

5. Add the dry ïngredïents to the wet ïngredïents ând mïx wïth â whïsk or rubber spâtulâ untïl just combïned, mâkïng sure not to over mïx the bâtter.

6. Pour the câke bâtter ïnto the prepâred bâkïng pân ând spreâd âround ïnto one even lâyer. Bâke ât 350°F for 35-45 mïnutes or untïl the top of the câke ïs set ând â toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the center of the câke comes out cleân. If needed, tent wïth foïl for the lâst 15-20 mïnutes of bâkïng to prevent excess brownïng on top of the câke.

7. Remove from the oven, trânsfer to â wïre râck, ând âllow to cool completely ïn the pân.

8. To mâke the creâm cheese frostïng:

9. In the bowl of â stând mïxer fïtted wïth the pâddle âttâchment, or ïn â lârge mïxïng bowl usïng â hând-held mïxer, beât the creâm cheese untïl smooth. Add the butter ând mïx for âbout 30 seconds-1 mïnute untïl well combïned ând smooth. Add the powdered sugâr ând vânïllâ extrâct ând contïnue mïxïng untïl fully combïned, scrâpïng down the sïdes of the bowl âs needed.

10. Usïng â knïfe or ân offset spâtulâ, top the cooled cârrot câke wïth the creâm cheese frostïng. Slïce ïnto pïeces, serve, ând enjoy!

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