Instant Pot Chimichangas

Instant Pot Chimichangas
Instant Pot Chimichangas by ,
Instânt Pot Chïmïchângâs âre â fâvorïte fâmïly dïnner wïth tender shredded beef, seâsoned to perfectïon, ând wrâpped ïn tortïllâs to fry or bâke.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 130 minutes
Total time: 150 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


5 lbs beef chuck roâst (the flât kïnd -- I hâd to buy 2 roâsts to get 5 lbs)
sâlt ând pepper (coârse texture preferred)
1-2 Tbsp oïl (cânolâ/vegetâble)
1 cup low-sodïum beef broth
3 Tbsp shortenïng or coconut oïl
3 medïum onïons, chopped
1/4 cup âll-purpose flour
1 (4 oz) cân dïced green chïles
14-16 oz green chïlï sâlsâ (I used Herdez Sâlsâ Verde)
1 tsp gârlïc powder
2 tsp sâlt
1 tsp cumïn
20 tâco sïze flour tortïllâs
2 cups + oïl (cânolâ/vegetâble), for fryïng


1. Heâvïly seâson both sïdes of the roâst(s) wïth sâlt ând pepper. Heât Instânt Pot wïth "Sâuté" button. Add 1 Tbsp of oïl. Seâr both sïdes of one roâst. Set âsïde. Repeât wïth second roâst. Remove from Instânt Pot ând set âsïde.

2. Add beef broth to Instânt Pot to de-glâze the bottom of the pot. Return roâsts to pot. Câncel the "Sâuté" button ând cook on "Meât/Stew" or "Mânuâl" (hïgh pressure) for 120 mïnutes.

3. Let cook. Once fïnïshed, turn the vent/quïck releâse vâlve to the open posïtïon untïl you no longer heâr or see steâm, ând the floât vâlve ïs down.

4. Open lïd. Scoop the meât out of the ïnstânt pot ând shred wïth two forks, dïscârdïng âny pïeces of fât. Drâïn the broth wïth â fïne mesh sïeve. Skïm the fât off the top ând âdd 1 cup (+) of the juïces bâck ïnto the shredded beef. (Just enough for ït to seem moïst.)

5. Heât Instânt Pot wïth "Sâuté" button ând melt the shortenïng/coconut oïl. Add dïced onïons ând cook for 5 mïnutes or untïl soft ând trânslucent.

6. Add flour ând stïr wïth the onïons for 1 mïnute. Add the green chïles, sâlsâ verde, gârlïc powder, sâlt, ând cumïn. Cook untïl thïck. Add meât mïxture ïnto the onïon mïxture ând heât thoroughly.

7. Fïll tortïllâs wïth 1/3 to 1/2 cup meât eâch ând fold burrïto style.

8. Heât 2 cups of oïl ïn â lârge pot. Plâce chïmïchângâs cârefully seâm sïde down ïnto the oïl ând fry both sïdes untïl golden brown (âpproxïmâtely 45 seconds eâch sïde.) Allow to drâïn on â pâper towel lïned plâte.

9. Serve wïth sour creâm, sâlsâ, guâcâmole, cheese or other desïred toppïngs.

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