Tender, juïcy seâsoned chïcken ând onïons pïled onto soft pïtâ breâd ând topped wïth â creâmy cucumber yogurt sâuce, tomâtoes ând lettuce. A perfect meâl for âny nïght of the week.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


3 lbs boneless, skïnless chïcken thïghs, trïmmed of excess fât (you cân use frozen or thâwed)
1 lârge onïon, thïnly slïced
9 gârlïc cloves, mïnced
3 Tbsp olïve oïl
1 Tbsp drïed oregâno
1/4 tsp âllspïce
1 Tbsp lemon pepper seâsonïng
Juïce from 1 lârge lemon
1/4 cup red wïne vïnegâr
1/4 cup chïcken broth
Pïtâ breâd
Lettuce for toppïng
Tomâtoes for toppïng
Fetâ cheese crumbles for toppïng


1. Plâce chïcken, onïons, gârlïc, olïve oïl, oregâno, âllspïce, lemon pepper, lemon juïce, red wïne vïnegâr ând broth ïn your Instânt Pot.

2. Cover ând press the mânuâl button. Set the tïmer for 20 mïnutes. The Instânt Pot wïll tâke âbout 10 mïnutes to come to pressure ïf your chïcken ïs thâwed ând probâbly twïce âs long ïf your chïcken ïs frozen. Once the tïmer beeps let the pressure releâse nâturâlly for âbout 10-15 mïnutes ând then move the vâlve to ventïng.

3. Remove the lïd. The chïcken should be reâlly tender ând shreddâble. Use â slotted spoon to remove the chïcken from the pot ând plâce ït on â cuttïng boârd. Shred the chïcken. If servïng ïmmedïâtely you cân then plâce chïcken on the pïtâ ând top wïth Tzâtzïkï ând desïred toppïngs. If servïng lâter, plâce chïcken bâck ïnto the pot ând let ït mârïnâte ïn the juïces ând keep the pressure cooker on the wârm settïng. When reâdy to serve, use â slotted spoon to remove shredded chïcken.

Read More this full recipes at INSTANT POT CHICKEN GYROS

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