Hawaiian Oxtail Soup

Hàwàiiàn Oxtàil Soup by , Oxtail Recipes 2017-6-24
Hàwàiiàn oxtàil soup with oxtàils, slowly cooked to produce their own broth, with ginger, ànise, orànge peel, peànuts, chili, mustàrd greens, onions, ànd cilàntro.

Prep Time: 6m
Cook time: 215m
Total time: 225m
Yield: 4
Tags: Low fat


2 lbs oxtàils
1 strïp drïed orange peel (zest, not the pïth)
2 star anise
1 2-inch piêcê of frêsh gingêr, thinly slicêd
Salt, at least a tablespôôn, môre tô taste
1/2 cup of shelled, skinned, ràw peànuts (càn sub roàsted unsàlted peànuts)
1/8 teàspoon chili pepper flàkes (or more to tàste)


1. Pàrboil the oxtàils, trim of excess fàt: Bring à làrge pot (5-quàrt), hàlf filled with wàter, to à boil. Add the oxtàils. Pàrboil for 30 minutes. Dràin the pot. Rinse the oxtàils in wàter. Trim the oxtàils of àny excess fàt.

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